The "SCM PIONEERING" R trademark declared by SCM Pioneering Co., Ltd. passed the approval of the Trademark Bureau of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.
The use of "SCM PIONEERING" R trademark will play an important role in enhancing the trust of the company in the hearts of customers and agents. It is the strong backing of brand strategy, and will certainly become a symbol of product quality and reputation.
The registration number of "SCM PIONEERING" is 3513977, which indicates that the trademark of "SCM Pioneering" has been changed to R. In the following time, LOGO of related websites, packaging and so on will be gradually replaced by "R" trademark.
SCM Pioneering Co., Ltd., has been committed to food sweeteners, food flavors and fragrances, nutrition supplements and other production and sales. Always be watchful at every time, and treat every customer with humility and gratitude, also welcome more food additive agents of the world to join us.